What if you could learn how to boost your baby's brain so your little one can grow smarter and stronger...
...so they thrive and excel in all they do!

Here's the problem...
...you know that you want your baby to succeed in school,
- to do well in sports
- to meet their milestones
- to avoid learning disabilities
- but you don't know what the heck to do because there is so much poor advice out there.
And so you ask yourself questions like...
- Are there activities that make my baby smarter?
- What's good for their brain development?
- What toys are good for them?
- What shouldn't I do?
Ready to go from wondering if you are doing all the right things...
...to that strong confident feeling knowing you are giving your baby's brain exactly what it needs.
Questioning if you are doing enough with your baby...
... to feeling reassured and excited that you are doing all the right things.
Yearning to give your baby the best start, but not really knowing how...
...to hearing your family comment on how strong your baby is.

Ready to unlock your baby's potential and feel the absolute most confident that you are giving your baby what it needs to be smart and strong?
I will show you how with...
"The Baby Moves Method"
Online Course
In 10 minutes a day, you can finish the course in two weeks OR go at your own pace and power through in 3 - 4 days.

With this program you will:
- Learn daily exercises to strengthen brain connections.
- Grow strong brain connections needed for reading, writing, music, and sports.
- Activate your baby's learning abilities so they thrive in all they do.
- Develop a strong mind-body connection that they will use their entire life.

What You Get:
- 9 digestible and easy-to-understand modules where I teach you exactly how to activate your baby's brain.
- Learn why this method is so important and what you have been told that is preventing your baby's best development.
- How to activate the largest systems in the brain to build new brain connections to boost learning abilities.
- Learn what activities and exercises to do every day and why you should do them.
What You Will Learn:
Phase One

- Ditch the endless educational books for babies and start watching the information broken down into easy bites.
- How the marketing out there has misled you and sometimes can interfere with your baby's best brain development.
- The do's and don'ts for baby brain development.
- Everything you need to know about tummy time. How to do it and how not to do it.
- What you need to know about supporting your baby's primitive reflexes so their brain matures.
- How to stimulate the largest systems in the brain.
Phase Two

- Integrating the primitive reflexes.
- Physical movements and exercises to activate the brain.
- Ensuring your baby is meeting their milestones to grow brain connections for academics and sports.
- Full body sensory touch techniques to awaken the proprioception system for amazing brain-body connection.
- Techniques to stimulate the vestibular system so your baby has strong mind-body awareness to excel in sports.
Phase Three

- Incorporate simple routines with brain-boosting exercises and techniques.
- Practice easy short routines of movements and exercises throughout the day.
- Implement the exercises and increase fun quality time with your baby.
- Practice the activities and increase mother-baby bonding.

Video Activities
Use what you have learned and put it into action with these brain-nourishing activities.
Follow along with these video routines so that you can put into action all that you have learned in the lessons. I show you exactly what to do, Videos geared towards each age and stage.

Also Included:
- A checklist to use daily so you can remember the activities you need to focus on.
- Beautiful soft piano music, nursery rhymes and lullabies designed to stimulate language development and contribute to the rhythm and timing of the brain.

Is this for me right now?
1. If you are pregnant, yes right now is an ideal time to get the program so you are ready to start the first day your baby is born.
2. Yes, If your baby is between 1 to 6 or 7 months old, right now is a great time to get the program! The first year is an amazing window of opportunity to build brain connections and boost brain development.
This is not for you if:
Your baby is already crawling. (I am in the process of creating a course for one-year-olds soon.)
What Makes The Baby Moves Method Special?
- You aren't going to find this on YouTube. YouTube will tell you to engage with your baby, stick your tongue out, respond to your baby, and play games. Which is all good but, this is so much more.
- It's unique because this program teaches you about primitive reflexes and how they affect the process in which your baby's brain matures.
-It's based on neurodevelopment.
-The first year is a window of opportunity to boost your baby's brain.
This Is Perfect for You If:
-You know you want to boost your baby's development but you don't know how.
-You are pregnant and you are researching all the best advice.
-If you have been looking for books and videos to help you with your baby.

I found your program when my daughter was 4 - 5 months. She is now 2.5 yrs. And she is absolutely brilliant. We hear it all the time from daycare (and other parents at daycare) her language skills are really really good.

Laura W.
Trust me...working with Heather in the first months of your baby's life will be the best investment you could make for your child and save many hours of extra homework in the future."
NeuroEducator & Teacher (25 yrs)

Stephanie G.
"With Heather’s guidance, I was able to make playtime fun and meaningful. She gave me the gift of knowledge, clarification, and tools that I will use for years to come. Highly recommend this!!”

Jessie R.
"Being a high-stress person this had a huge impact on me, allowing me to feel confident, relaxed, and knowledgeable. Highly recommend this!"
Questions Moms Asked Before Joining.
What if my baby is already 8+ months?
How long do I have access to this education program?

I'm Heather,
I am trained in Dr. Melillo's cutting-edge Brain Balance techniques and certified in Brain Gym® 101.